Join us for ETC’s May 23rd Educational Webinar

Addressing the ‘So What’s’ of Cybersecurity

It’s not a matter of if but when your business will fall victim to a malicious attack. 

Do you have the modern-day cyber controls in place to protect your business? You don’t have to look far to see the repercussions of a business’s failure to protect sensitive information. 
To create an effective cybersecurity plan for your business, first, you must carry out a cyber risk assessment that identifies what is valuable (like your client data) and what may be vulnerable to theft (like personal identification information). Then, you must understand how your current IT infrastructure and co-workers could help enable such an attack.  
Join us as John Hensberger, 20+ year CIO/CTO/CISO and Founder/President at Black Bottle IT, a leader in cybersecurity solutions, will address today’s risk and discuss the “So What’s” of Cybersecurity.  

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