Under Section 204 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, all insurance companies and employ-er based health plans (regardless of size and funding type) submit information about prescription drugs and healthcare spending. The data submission is called the RxDC report and must be submitted annually each year by June 1st through CMS HIOS Portal.

In March 2023, CMS released the 2022 reporting templates and instructions for reporting the necessary data fields. In most cases, carriers and TPAs will submit the required reports on behalf of the employer client. Most carriers have submitted surveys or data requests to the group health plan administrators for collecting D1: Premium and Life Years. If you miss their deadlines or if your carrier or TPAs have advised they will not be submitting that information on the plan’s behalf, the plan sponsors/administrators will need submit a P2 & D1 files themselves through the CMS HIOS Portal. Due to the time consumption and inconvenience for employers, ETC can help!

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The ETC Companies
Broker Compliance Services Division